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YuGiOh Newest Products
Union Controller - MZTM-EN022 - Collector's Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
1 In Stock
Treasures of the Kings - MZTM-EN006 - Secret Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
6 In Stock
Union Activation - MZTM-EN023 - Ultra Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
3 In Stock
Union Controller - MZTM-EN022 - Ultra Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
5 In Stock
X-Cross Cannon - MZTM-EN018 - Ultra Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
2 In Stock
X-Cross Cannon - MZTM-EN018 - Collector's Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
1 In Stock
XYZ-Hyper Dragon Cannon - MZTM-EN021 - Ultra Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
5 In Stock
Trickstar Aqua Angel - MZTM-EN026 - Ultra Rare - 1st Edition
Near Mint, English
5 In Stock
YuGiOh Sell Out Risk
Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon - LEDD-ENC31 - Common - 1st Edition
LEDD Legendary Dragon Decks
One for One - LC5D-EN045 - Ultra Rare - 1st Edition
LC5D Legendary Collection 5D's
Where Arf Thou? - OP13-EN010 - Super Rare - Unlimited Edition
OPXX OTS Tournament Pack
Magician of Faith - RP01-EN033 - Rare - Unlimited Edition
RP01 Retro Pack 1
Stealth Bird - DR2-EN069 - Rare - Unlimited Edition
DR2 Dark Revelations 2
Quick Booster - CBLZ-EN065 - Ultimate Rare - 1st Edition
CBLZ Cosmo Blazer
Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight - CT1-EN004 - Secret Rare - Limited Edition
CTXX Collector's Tin Promos
Infinite Cards - DB1-EN230 - Common - Unlimited Edition
DB1 Dark Beginnings 1
Coach King Giantrainer - NUMH-EN037 - Secret Rare - 1st Edition
NUMH Number Hunters
Gusto Egul - DT05-EN071 - Common - Duel Terminal
DT05 Duel Terminal 5
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror - Purple - DL14-EN020 - Rare - Unlimited Edition
DLXX Purple
Toon Table of Contents - DASA-EN043 - Super Rare - 1st Edition
DASA Dark Saviors
Yu-Gi-Oh Bulk
5DS1 5D Structure Deck
5DS2 5D 2009 Starter Deck
5DS3 Duelist ToolBox
ABPF Absolute Powerforce
ABYR Abyss Rising
ACXX Advent Calendar
AGOV Age of Overlord
AMDE Amazing Defenders
ANGU Ancient Guardians
ANPR Ancient Prophecy
APXX Astral Pack
AST Ancient Sanctuary
BACH Battle of Chaos
BLAR Battles of Legend: Armageddon
BLC1 Battles of Legend: Chapter 1
BLCR Battles of Legend: Crystal Revenge
BLHR Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge
BLLR Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge
BLMR Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge
BLRR Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge
BLTR Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge
BLVO Blazing Vortex
BODE Burst of Destiny
BOSH Breakers of Shadow
BP01 Battle Pack: Epic Dawn
BP02 Battle Pack: War of the Giants
BP03 Battle Pack: Monster League
BPW2 Battle Pack: War of the Giants - Round 2
BROL Brothers of Legend
CBLZ Cosmo Blazer
CDIP Cyberdark Impact
CHIM Chaos Impact
CIBR Circuit Break
CORE Clash of Rebellions
COTD Code of the Duelist
CPXX Champion Pack
CRBR Crossover Breakers
CRMS Crimson Crisis
CROS Crossed Souls
CRV Cybernetic Revolution
CSOC Crossroads of Chaos
CTXX Collector's Tin Promos
CYAC Cyberstorm Access
CYHO Cybernetic Horizon
DABL Darkwing Blast
DAMA Dawn of Majesty
DANE Dark Neostorm
DASA Dark Saviors
DBX Dark Beginnings
DCR Dark Crisis
DEMX Demo Pack
DESO Destiny Soldiers
DIFO Dimension Force
DLCS Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series
DLG1 Dark Legends
DLXX Duelist League
DOCS Dimension of Chaos
DPX Duelist Packs
DRX Dark Revelations
DREV Duelist Revolution
DRL2 Dragons of Legend 2
DRL3 Dragons of Legend: Unleashed
DRLG Dragons of Legend
DTXX Duel Terminal
DUDE Duel Devastator
DUEA Duelist Alliance
DUNE Duelist Nexus
DUOV Duel Overload
DUPO Duel Power
DUSA Duelist Saga
EEN Elemental Energy
EGO1 Obelisk the Tormentor
EGS1 Slifer the Sky Dragon
EOJ Enemy of Justice
EP1 Exclusive Pack
ETCO Eternity Code
EXFO Extreme Force
EXVC Extreme Victory
FET Flaming Eternity
FIGA Fists of the Gadgets
FLOD Flames of Destruction
FOTB Force of the Breaker
FUEN Fusion Enforcers
GAOV Galactic Overlord
GEIM Genesis Impact
GENF Generation Force
GFP2 Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting
GFTP Ghosts From The Past
GLAS Gladiators Assault
GLDX Gold Series
GRCR The Grand Creators
GX Tag Force
HAXX Hidden Arsenals
HISU Hidden Summoners
HLXX Hobby League
HSRD High-Speed Riders
IGAS Ignition Assault
INCH The Infinity Chasers
INFO The Infinite Forbidden
INOV Invasion: Vengeance
IOC Invasion of Chaos
JOTL Judgment of the Light
JUMP Shonen Jump Magazine Promo
KICO King's Court
LC01 Legendary Collection
LC25 Legendary Collection 25th Anniversary
LC5D Legendary Collection 5D's
LCGX Legendary Collection 2: The Duel Academy Years
LCJW Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World
LCKC Legendary Collection Kaiba
LCYW Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World
LD10 Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano
LDK2 Legendary Decks II
LDS1 Legendary Duelists: Season 1
LDS2 Legendary Duelists: Season 2
LDS3 Legendary Duelists: Season 3
LED2 Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium
LED3 Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss
LED4 Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose
LED5 Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny
LED6 Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero
LED7 Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra
LED8 Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm
LED9 Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep
LEDD Legendary Dragon Decks
LEDE Legacy of Destruction
LEDU Legendary Duelists
LEHD Legendary Hero Decks
LIOV Lightning Overdrive
LOB Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
LOD Legacy of Darkness
LODT Light of Destruction
LODT (2020 Reprint) Light of Destruction
LON Labyrinth of Nightmare
LTGY Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy
LVAL Legacy of the Valiant
MACR Maximum Crisis
MAGO Maximum Gold
MAMA Magnificent Mavens
MAZE Maze of Memories
MCX Master's Collection
MDPX McDonald's Promotional Cards
MFC Magician's Force
MGED Maximum Gold: El Dorado
MILX Millennium Pack
MP14 2014 Mega-Tin
MP15 2015 Mega-Tin
MP16 2016 Mega-Tin
MP17 2017 Mega-Tin
MP18 2018 Mega-Tin
MP19 2019 Mega-Tin
MP20 2020 Mega-Tin
MP21 2021 Mega-Tin
MP22 2022 Mega-Tin
MP23 25th Anniversary Tin
MP24 Dueling Mirrors 25th Anniversary
MRD Metal Raiders
MRL Magic Ruler
MVP1 The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack
MVP1-ENG The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Gold Edition
MVP1-ENS The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition
MYFI Mystic Fighters
MZMI Maze of Millennia
MZTM Maze of the Master
NECH The New Challengers
NKRT Noble Knights of the Round Table
NUMH Number Hunters
OPXX OTS Tournament Pack
ORCS Order of Chaos
PEVO Pendulum Evolution
PGD Pharaonic Guardian
PGL2 Premium Gold: Return of the Bling
PGL3 Premium Gold: Infinite Gold
PGLD Premium Gold
PHHY Photon Hypernova
PHNI Phantom Nightmare
PHRA Phantom Rage
PHSW Photon Shockwave
POTD Power of the Duelist
POTE Power of the Elements
PPXX Premium Pack
PRC1 2012 Premium Tin
PRIO Primal Orgin
PSV Pharaoh's Servant
PTDN Phantom Darkness
RA01 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection
RA02 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II
RA03 Quarter Century Bonanza
RATE Raging Tempest
RDS Rise of Destiny
REDU Return of the Duelist
RGBT Raging Battle
RIRA Rising Rampage
ROTA Rage of the Abyss
ROTD Rise of the Duelist
RPXX Retro Pack
RP01 (REPRINT) Retro Pack 1
RYMP Ra Yellow Mega-Pack
SAST Savage Strike
SBAD Attack From the Deep
SBC1 Streets of Battle City
SBC2 Speed Duel Battle City Finals
SBCB Battle City Box
SBLS Arena of Lost Souls
SBSC Scars of Battle
SBTK Trials of the Kingdom
SDXX Structure Decks
SECE Secrets of Eternity
SESL Secret Slayers
SGXX Speed Duel GX Series
SGX1 Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box
SGX2 Speed Duel GX: Midterm Paradox
SGX3 Speed Duel GX: Duelist of Shadows
SGX4: Speed Duel GX Midterm Destruction
SHSP Shadow Specters
SHVA Shadows in Valhalla
SHVI Shining Victories
SKE Kaiba Evolution
SOD Soul of the Duelist
SOFU Soul Fusion
SOI Shadow of Infinity
SOVR Stardust Overdrive
SP13 Star Pack 2013
SP14 Star Pack 2014
SP15 Star Pack ARC-V
SP17 Star Pack Battle Royal
SP18 Star Pack VRAINS
SPWA Spirit Warriors
SPX Sneak Peek
SR01 Emperor of Darkness
SR02 Rise of the True Dragons
SR03 Machine Reactor
SR04 Dinosmasher's Fury
SR05 Wave of Light
SR06 Lair of Darkness
SR07 Zombie Horde
SR08 Order of the Spellcasters
SR10 Mechanized Madness
SR13 Dark World
SR14 FIre King
SRL Spell Ruler
SS01 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Destiny Masters
SS02 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Duelists of Tomorrow
SS03 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Ultimate Predators
SS04 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millenium
SS05 Speed Duel Starter Decks: Twisted Nightmares
STAX 2-Player Starter Set
STBL Starstrike Blast
STON Strike of Neos
STOR Storm of Ragnarok
STPX Speed Duel Tournament Pack
SUDA Supreme Darkness
SYE Yugi Evolution
TAEV Tactical Evolution
TAMA Tactical Masters
TDGS The Duelist Genesis
TDIL The Dark Illusion
THSF The Secret Forces
TLM The Lost Millenium
TNXX Mega-Tin Promo
TOCH Toon Chaos
TPXX Tournament Pack
TSHD The Shining Darkness
TUXX Turbo Pack
VASM Valiant Smashers
WCXX World Championship
WGRT War of the Giants Reinforcements
WIRA Wing Raiders
WISU Wild Survivors
WSUP World Superstars
YAP1 Anniversary Pack
YGLD Yugi's Legendary Decks
YCSW Yugioh Championship Series Prize Cards
YMP 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack
YS11 Starter Deck: Dawn of the XYZ
YS12 Starter Deck: XYZ Symphony
YS13 Super Starter: V for Victory
YS14 Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown
YS15 Starter Deck: Dark Legion
YS15 Starter Deck: Saber Force
YS16 Starter Deck: Yuya
YS17 Starter Deck: Link Strike
YS18 Starter Deck: Codebreaker
YSD Starter Deck 2006
YSDJ Jaden Yuki
YSDS Syrus Truesdale
YSKR Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded
YSYR Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded
ZTIN Zexal Collection Tin
YuGiOh Field Centers & Tokens
YuGiOh Promos